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Nationale annekser til Eurocodes
- BR18 (Aktuelt)
- BR18 (1/7- 31/12 2024)
- BR18 (1/1- 30/06 2024)
- BR18 (1/1- 31/12 2023)
- BR18 (17/9 - 31/12 2022)
- BR18 (1/7 - 16/9 2022)
- BR18 (1/1 - 30/6 2022)
- BR18 (29/6 - 31/12 2021)
- BR18 (1/1-29/6 2021)
- BR18 (1/7-31/12 2020)
- BR18 (10/3-30/6 2020)
- BR18 (1/1-9/3 2020)
- BR18 (4/7-31/12 2019)
- BR18 (1/1-4/7 2019)
- BR18 (1/7-31/12 2018)
- BR18 (1/1-30/6 2018)
- BR15 (2015-2018)
- Tidligere BR (1961-2010)
DS/EN 1999-1-1 DK NA:2019 - Del 1-1: Generelle regler og regler for bygninger (nyt vindue)
English version: DS/EN 1999-1-1 DK NA:2019 - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings (nyt vindue)
English version: DS/EN 1999-1-1 DK NA:2019 - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings (nyt vindue)
EN 1999-1-2 DK NA:2007 - Del 1-2: Brandteknisk dimensionering (nyt vindue)
English version: EN 1999-1-2 DK NA:2007 - Part 1-2: General rules – Structural fire design (nyt vindue)
English version: EN 1999-1-2 DK NA:2007 - Part 1-2: General rules – Structural fire design (nyt vindue)
DS/EN 1999-1-3 DK NA: 2011 - Del 1-3: Udmattelse (nyt vindue)
English version: DS/EN 1999-1-3 DK NA:2011 - Part 1-3: Structures susceptible to fatigue (nyt vindue)
English version: DS/EN 1999-1-3 DK NA:2011 - Part 1-3: Structures susceptible to fatigue (nyt vindue)